DETAILS: in Project page, open the game and read it, also there you can add your comment.
Butler 5, how to itch.io upload and auto update index.html zip using win10+
--install free itch.app that contains butler.exe from https://itch.io/app
set butler.exe=%appdata%\itch\broth\butler\versions\15.21.0\butler.exe cd /d C:\UnityProjects\butler5\WebGL\.. set unitywebgl=butler5 set itchmyuser=investus %butler.exe% push WebGL %itchmyuser%/%unitywebgl%:html --if-changed timeout 60
--cmd butler5-html.zip will be exe in browser, but first add there a index.html save, remove&dontsave&push;makeitpublic;Run Game;webgl;play;like.
# auto upload update unity-webgl-html.zip using butler from itch.io app Win10+
%butler.exe% push WebGL %itchmyuser%/%unitywebgl%:html --if-changed
∙ No previous build to compare against, pushing unconditionally ∙ For channel `html`: pushing first build ∙ Pushing 7.03 MiB (16 files, 3 dirs, 0 symlinks) √ Added 7.03 MiB fresh data √ 6.94 MiB patch (1.29% savings) ∙ Build is now processing, should be up in a bit. Use the `butler status investus/butler5:html` for more information. --doc; <a href="<a href="https://itch.io/docs/butler/pushing.html#html--playable-in-browser-game">https://itch.io/docs/butler/pushing.html#html--playable-in-browser-game</a>"><a href="https://itch.io/docs/butler/pushing.html#html--playable-in-browser-game</a>">https://itch.io/docs/butler/pushing.html#html--playable-in-browser-game</a></a>
--Using free Unityasset: Easy FPS https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/sci-fi/easy-fps-73776
%butler.exe% push WebGL %itchmyuser%/%unitywebgl%:html --if-changed ∙ Comparing against previous build... ∙ For channel `html`: last build is 593088, downloading its signature ∙ Pushing 6.66 MiB (16 files, 3 dirs, 0 symlinks) √ Re-used 1.88% of old, added 6.54 MiB fresh data √ 6.51 MiB patch (2.28% savings)
∙ Build is now processing, should be up in a bit. Notification: NEW Build html 3 for butler-itchio-upload-unity3d-webgl is now live 30s -- Have fun by try-ing and info you. Try. Play. Share. Like. --read&try&comment=> https://investus.itch.io/butler5
cli update itch.io project webgl by cmd
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Author | investus.itch.io |